Sunday, November 16, 2008

We've actually got a nice little Saturday planned...

I woke up early in anticipation of joining Pickle and her friend for a major event at the big Goodwill. Known as the Glitter sale, it promised to be exciting and full of good deals. The sale started at 9am; when we arrived at 9:40am, there was a line from the warehouse, through the store, out the doors and down the sidewalk, the length of the city-block-sized building. So we get in line.

We wait in line about 45 minutes, then enter into a vortex that takes us directly to the center of all things suck. The little room where the sale is being held is packed with people and really hot. The stuff was picked over and piled up and you had to take a number to even get allowed to look at the jewelry. I have been known to do some shopping damage in my day, but I was way out of my league here. These women were SERIOUS. They had worn bathing suits to the sale so they could try things on without having to take clothes off. They had paired off and were yelling back and forth and throwing clothes to one another. They had baskets and highly-honed crowd-weaving skills. I was a little scared.

After approximately 7 hair-raising minutes, I found Pickle and Wafer and we bolted. After checking out the housewares section and holiday offerings, we cleared out to wide open spaces and fresh air. We met back up with some other girls and hit the road. We decided we needed some comfort food after our harrowing experience, so we headed to the 5 Point Diner for greasy goodness.

And oh, was it good. I mean, the place is a total dive and it's AWESOME. I ordered chicken fried steak (which I wasnt sure I could find in Seattle) and it was AMAZING. And huge. And I ate the whole stupid thing. I'm not really sure if it was the stress of the morning, or the deliciousness of the food, but I cleaned my plate. And then I went home and fell asleep watching Florida beat the crap out of South Carolina.

When I woke up, I went to baby-sit two superfun little boys, where we played and had a good time, then I went home to bed.

I didnt make it to Bed Bath & Beyond...I dont know...I guess I just didnt have enough time.

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