Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Douchebag of the Week

"I don't know...I don't know my schedule."

Coleslaw offered this weak excuse to Queenie in response to her inquiry of "when are we going to hang out again?"

Queenie and Coleslaw had been hanging out for a while, going to group outings together and really enjoying each other's company (read: making out) and he decided he wanted to take her on a date. So he called and asked her out, made plans and they went out. To dinner. Just the two of them. And had a nice time.

In the weeks that followed, he called her often and invited her to multiple group events, including trivia night, pub crawls, parties, etc. Queenie attended some events and spent time with Coleslaw, but also spent time talking to the other people there. You know, like polite people are supposed to do at a party.

After one such outing, Coleslaw walks Queenie to her car, as she is leaving and they proceed to chat in the parking lot for a while. At which point, Queenie asks "when are we going to go out again?" Generally, I'm in favor of letting the guy do the asking, at least at first, but Queenie's query was not out of line. He'd been continually communicating with her and inviting her to events, but not on a date.

His response, however, earns him title DBOTW. "I dunno...I dont know my schedule." First of all, if you're 25 years old and can't keep your own schedule organized, that's lame. And second of all, if that's an excuse you're giving for not wanting to go out with her again, that's a lame excuse. And thirdly, if he really does have a scheduling issue, there are far better ways to communicate it than the response he gave, which makes him look like a douchebag.

Even if he meant it as a blow-off, a simple “I’m busy this week, but maybe next” would have been better. Of course, honesty is always the best option. He could have simply said “I’m not really into dating; can we just get together and make out sometimes?” Or “I’m really not organized enough to know my schedule, so I don’t make plans.”

This just supports my theory that all 25-year-old dudes should be put in a hole and allowed out ONLY when (if) they prove they can handle it.

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