Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sing a song of Singapore

So, the BF moved to Singapore. He got offered a job as a full-time professor and department chair at video game college. Yep, that's right. There is such a thing as video game college (with programs for teaching computer science and graphical arts with an eye toward game design professions), it's a real, accredited school and they offered him a job. So....that's a no-brainer. For a gamer dude nerd like the BF, it's CLEARLY an AMAZING opportunity.

So, the BF moved to Singapore.

The good news is I've gotten very good at calculating the 15-hour time difference, using Skype and I'm planning my very first trip to Southeast Asia.

I'm going to visit in a few weeks (weeks!!) and will get to explore Singapore. Delicious street food, bustling night life, interesting mix of's such an exciting place to visit. And because once you've traveled 8000 miles, what's another 800? So we're looking at other places in the area to visit. Currently up for consideration: Malaysia (including Kuala Lumpur and those REALLY big buildings), Indonesia (one of the islands west of Bali) and Cambodia (to see the ruins at Angkor Wat).

Now to figure out all the vacation details.....

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