Monday, July 28, 2008

OH! Did you want to exit our row?

I ride the bus to and from work each day. It's a great way to commute...I get to read/write/put on make-up/people watch/sleep while someone else deals with the traffic. I dont have to pay for parking and my company pays for a monthly bus pass for me. The bus comes often and is usually on time and picks me up a few blocks from my place of living and drops me off a few blocks from my place of employment.

During the morning and evening commute, the bus is generally filled with people like myself: people who work downtown but live the neighborhoods just beyond the downtown core. They take the bus rather than driving to work because it's fun, easy, cheap, etc.

Most people are very understanding of the awkward situations dictated by riding the bus. Accidental jostlings, bumpings, nudgings and the like are dealt with quickly and politely, with an understanding nod or smile. People are generally courteous, making apologies for accidental bumpings, saying excuse me when shuffling by someone in the aisle and so on.

But there is a large portion of the bus-riding population who are lacking the manners in one crucial area of the bus-riding experience.

When you are seated by the window, with someone seated beside you on the aisle, say EXCUSE ME when it's your turn to get off the bus. Don't expect them to just KNOW that this is your stop. Don't expect them to have noticed the special way in which you grasped your murse, which indicates you're preparing to disembark. As the bus slows, politely say "Excuse me" or "this is my stop" or "pardon me, may I slip by you" or "dude, I'm rolling out" or something. DO NOT grunt, roll your eyes or make other impatient noises at the person unfortunate enough to be seated beside you. DO NOT turn slightly in your seat and stare at me expectantly without speaking, waiting for me to a) notice you b) guess that you'd like to get out and c) react accordingly.

I mean, really.

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