Thursday, January 8, 2009

Free At Last! Free At Last!


Don't worry: the cupcakes had all been eaten.

At one point in 2008 I was involved with a guy (heretofore known as DTB) who sent me cupcakes. He was living three time zones away from where I was living and we had the opportunity to be in the same time zone for a special event. DTB had emailed asking if I was attending said event, to which I replied "I don't know...I'll have to check with my boss." At which point, DTB decided to try to persuade me. He sent various music and picture files, jokes, movie quotes and hand-drawn images to attempt to persuade me. Even pictures of baked goods.

Yes, he tried to bribe me with cupcake pictures.

The next day at work, my IT guy comes over with a bakery box full of cupcakes. DTB was now trying to bribe me with actual cupcakes. He lived in another country, three time zones away and found a local bakery to make and deliver cupcakes to my office, with a note reading "This is a bribe!" Which was pretty stinkin' cute.

I didn't really tell people where the cupcakes came from (for a multitude of reasons: I had just broken up with someone else, the story of how I met DTB was a little sketchy, etc.) so I just smiled and enjoyed it.

Once all the cupcakes were gone, I kept the box as a reminder of that fun day. Even long after my involvement with DTB ended, I held on to the box. But after lots of thinking and soul-searching over the Christmas break, I realized that it's time to let go. He turned out not to be the man of my dreams and holding on the cupcake box was just pointless. And kinda gross.

So at 5:20pm today, I threw away the box. I got applause from some co-workers, even a high five. It was a good choice. I feel free.

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