Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Part Camel?

You know what I have come to realize....I consume a lot of beverages.

At my desk at work, I generally have a coffee cup, a can of soda (Diet Dr. Pepper, most likely) and a large cup of water. Sometimes I also have a bottle of water, a bottle of tea/juice and a couple of additional cans of soda.

Over the course of a typical day, I make SEVERAL trips to the water fountain to refill my LARGE (32 oz) purple cup and also consume a few Diet Cokes. Then I get home and fill my large Nalgene bottle a few times.

When I go out to eat, I generally order a beverage and a glass of water. And require multiple refills of both.

I mean, I consume a lot of beverages! What's up with that?

Maybe I run my mouth so much that my mouth requires re-hydration on a regular basis? Maybe somewhere along the line I trained my body to require that much liquid. Or maybe it's psychosematic...for some reason I enjoy the motion of "glass to mouth and swallow" and my mind convinces me I'm thirsty? (Pause to drink from the Nalgene bottle). Maybe I just have a lot of toxins that need to be flushed out.

I'm not concerned about any medical issues because (without too much detail) the input/output process seems normal. I've just been noticing how much MORE I consume than my friends and neighbors and find it curious.

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