Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Things I'm too old to not be good at

High heels. 
Srsly, a woman of my age should be able to successfully wear high-heeled shoes all day without falling. Or having sore leg muscles the next day. 

This is something I have been doing on a (semi) regular basis for MANY years. And yet, somehow, still I manage to miss a spot every single time I shave my legs. Now, you may be thinking, "missing a spot? meh....that's no big deal....missing a spot is a little thing that happens to everyone." If we were talking about an actual spot, you would be right. The problem comes in when I (somehow) miss the EXACT SAME spot every time. Ok, spots. Plural. As in the back of my left knee, the outside of my right calf, the inside of my left calf....you get the picture. The result of this is I now sometimes sit at work feeling really good about the spring weather and wearing a skirt without tights and while on a conference call I happen to look down at my legs and see a cluster of 3/4-inch long hairs waving back at me from my left leg. I gasp in horror, take a moment to gratefully realize my phone is on mute, then proceed to ask myself how the HECK that happened. Things to note: the above scenario has happened more than once. I have identified the problematic spot, yet seem to have done nothing about it. Is it the lighting in my bathroom shower? Is it an inefficient razor? I mean, come on!

I'm REAL good at sleeping on my couch...with the tv and all the lights on. Just not so much at sleeping in my bed.

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