Monday, June 18, 2012

The Bachelorette

Ok, y'all know I watch some bad tv. I mean, this isn't news to anyone, right?

So, I'm watching The Bachelorette, starring Emily Maynard in the title role. For those the reality tv world, here's the brief synopsis:

The Bachelorette gathers up 25 DUDES and puts them in a house and gets them boozed up so we can watch them literally fight over a girl. In this case, Emily. She was one of the girls on The Bachelor, trying to win Brad Womack's heart. She was chosen by him, but they broke up. So now she's turning reality tv once again to find her true love. Right.

Emily has a daughter, with her deceased fiance, a race car driver, who was killed in a plane crash before the daughter was born.

Here's my thoughts on the show so far this season: homegirl be frontin'. She's got all these elaborate questions and scenarios and excuses LINED UP to keep the dudes jumping and dancing. 

She asks them their thoughts on children. She asks for their top ten things they want in a woman. And when they say something like "I want a woman who's kind, faithful, honest, smart, fun, blah, blah, compliment, blah, blah, normal," she says "you didnt say loving family as #1. No rose for you."

Rather than listen to a dude or ask questions to understand his POV, she tells them to "get the F out" of the house. I mean, I know it's dating on reality tv, in a compressed setting and timespan. But still.

She's got all these guys jumping and dancing. Jumping and dancing at arm's length.

I stand by my assertion that homegirl be frontin'.

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