Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just kickin' it

My office decided to join a kickball league. We formed a team, came up with a name and signed up. We have matching orange t-shirts. It's rad.

We're 2-1 right now, after winning our opening game (decisively), losing our second game (it was close) and DOMINATING in our third game. (Seriously, the score was 23-4. Though we kinda felt bad when we realized the other team didnt really know the rules.....but then we realized it's not OUR fault they didnt read the rules they were provided. So yeah.). We're really looking forward to more games, now that we've got our schwerve on.

We have our fourth game tomorrow. I'm hoping to play a little better than last game and maybe catch some of the line drives coming at me, rather than just knocking them down and trying to make the play. That way, I might not have to lunge at a guy running to first, ending up tangled up with him on the ground, with a scraped right knee and ginormous bruise on my left shin.

Seriously, it's big and bruisy: 4 inches x 2 inches, just off-center. Not quite as bad as the bruises I got playing first base to The Tad's shortstop when our office had a softball team. So maybe this bruise will go away in something less than 2 years.

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