Monday, July 9, 2012

Douchebag of the Week

DBOTW: purple socks guy

So, my office has a kickball team. It's pretty fun. We've played 3 games so far and won 2 of them. We won the most recent game in conclusion.

But back to game #2. We played this team that was pretty good and they seemed like fun people. Except this one guy. He seemed like a punk.

Disclaimer: my assessment of him as a punk is based purely on my POV and outlook on life. You may disagree. Knock yo self out.

This one guy was wearing purple knee socks and cleats with his kickball "uniform" of too long workout shorts and a team t-shirt. Note: his team t-shirt was NOT purple. Grey, I think. Also, the field where we play is basically a grassy area in one side of a city park. We have rules like "if you hit the jungle gym with the ball in the air, it's a home run. If the ball bounces up the slide or through the swings, it's a ground-rule double." We have cute team names and matching shirts, but we do NOT wear cleats. There is no catcher's gear. It is not hard core.

Anywho, this guy was just kind of a punk. He kicked the ball and once he saw that it landed in a hole and he felt confident he would safely make it to first base, he quit running. He QUIT RUNNING. I was raised in sports leagues that teach you you are always running between the lines. To your position, from your position, any time you are on base. If you are moving, you are running. You hustle down to first base, run through the bag to make sure you're crossing the base at top speed. That's just what you do!

Not this guy. He just strolls into first base. Every time. No running. No hustle. No effort. Disrespecting the game.

THEN. When he gets to first, he proceeds to stand there scratching himself and muttering. And then, when a ground ball is kicked down the first base line, he steps off the base, directly between me and the path of the ball, so that I cant field the ball. He stands there until the ball is about to hit him, then he moves. But by this point, I'm out of position, cant make the play I wanted and cant get him or the kicker out. Grrrr.

In my book, that's poor sportsmanship. You play hard, you play by the rules and you respect the other players - both on your team and the other team. Even in a kickball league played in city parks. 

So, congratulations, purple socks guy. You are the DBOTW. I hope we see you in the playoffs.

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