Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Asian Adventure: Day 5

So I guess it's day 5 of my Asian adventure. Depending, of course, on which time zone you're thinking about.

First meal in Singapore #seattleite
Since arriving here LATE Saturday night, I've eaten Indian food, French food, Vietnamese food, Paranakan food and Starbucks. It's that kind of place: you can literally get anything here.

And it's all delicious. The tropical climate means things grow here and it's all super fresh and delicious. Does sweating burn calories? Cuz that seems to be my primary activity right now and I'm going to need some serious activity to burn off all the delicious food I'm eating. 

On to the real topic: sweating. It is 88 degrees and 90% humidity pretty much every day here. Today feels cooler though, so maybe it's only 87. Those of us who are from Seattle (where it is frequently the same temperature as the inside of a Singaporean refrigerator) are just not used to this kind of weather. I'll adapt, I'm sure, but in the meantime my hair has not been seen in any form other than a bun (not even a ponytail, just a bun) and I just show up sweaty. A lot.

Like freshman moving day in Columbia kinda sweaty. Only I'm supposed to be a "business lady". So instead of sweating through a sorority t-shirt, I'm sweating through work clothes. Oh well....

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