Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Asian Adventure: Extended Cut

So, remember how I told you I was going to Singapore for a few weeks on vacay? To visit The BF?

Yeah,'s turned into a bit of an extended trip.

My company's Singapore office asked for some help from the US team, in the form of a US person moving to Singapore for 6-8 weeks. So, since I have the right kind of experience - and was heading there for a vacay anyway - they asked me to do it. And I said yes.

The offer got confirmed about 72 hours before my flight was leaving. So I spent most of that time frantically trying to wrap up work things and also do things like get shots, cancel my cable and figure out how to pack for 10 weeks in 2 suitcases. 

The downside is I keep discovering things I forgot to pack that I can NOT do without for 10 weeks. Like tweezers. 

The upside is they have stores here and I can buy things.

They're putting me up in a "corporate apartment" while I'm here,but it's not ready yet. There's a guy in the apartment now and he has to move out, then they have to clean the apt and rent me some furniture. I'm hoping it'll be ready in 2 weeks, by the time I'm back from Indonesia and Cambodia.

It looks like I'll only miss the first half of football season in the US. So when South Carolina returns to the SEC Championship, I'll be able to watch it. 

So for now I'm just trying to settle in and figure things out. I have tackled public transportation: bus AND subway; I've had local Singaporean food, Indian food and also Starbucks. Yesterday, I ventured into a grocery store. Today I had coffee from a local (read: not Starbucks) coffee shop.

And I'm slowly wrapping my head around the fact that I LIVE here. At least for the next 8 weeks or so. Stay tuned for pics and updates!

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