Wednesday, July 15, 2009

IT Confessional

Conversations (I'm trying to avoid) with my IT guy:

Me: "My computer's acting funny."
IT: "Did you spill water on it?"
Me: "No. Water? No."
IT: (rolling his eyes in annoyance)"Did you spill anything on it?"
Me: "Yes."
IT: (getting more frustrated) "What did you spill?"
Me: "It was either a merlot or a cabernet sauvignon...I don't remember."
IT: "Wait. You spilled RED WINE on your laptop!?!?" (voice escalating in volume and intensity)
Me: "Yeah. Do you think it will stain?!"
IT walks away muttering some incoherent, but may have been a hexing curse or a pox upon my docking station.

Bless his heart. Nick Burns is a good IT guy. I don't want to scare him off.

Which is why I'm trying to keep this conversation from happening.

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