Monday, June 7, 2010

Restroom Confidential

At work, we don't have our own bathroom in our office. Our bathrooms are down the hall and shared with the two other companies on our floor. To prevent weirdos or homeless people from getting into our bathrooms, the doors have punch button unlock codes that are changed every few months or so.

And we're on the 12th floor, so it's pretty certain that the only people using our ladies' room are on our floor. So any...weirdness or...trauma or....damage to the room was committed by the women on our floor and/or their guests.

Being the curious bystander (read: nosy busybody) I am, anytime there's a disturbance in the restroom, I try to figure it out.

For example: a couple of years ago, I noticed that upon entering the restroom, there would FREQUENTLY be a toilet seat covered in pee. I mean COVERED. I was perplexed as to how that happened were the other girls in my office. (Yes, we discussed it).

After some repeated stalking and observation, we finally figured out that the offender was a girl in the architectural office down the hall. (side note: she was also frequently seen in the hall on her cell phone and making out with her boyfriend. when she left the company, we didnt really miss her)

Anyway, since her departure, the ladies' room has been relatively drama-free. Until recently.

I've been noticing remnants of vomit in the toilet lately. (How do I recognize the remnants? I lived in the sorority house in college.) Which makes me wonder...what's going on!?

There are a few common causes of throwing up at work...other than stomach virus...: you're hungover, you're pregnant or you have an eating disorder. In my building, I'm betting on the first two.

So now, because I'm curious (see note above) it's time to figure out who and why. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Bartoneus said...

Just to make sure, peeing all over the seat really has nothing to do with her working at an architectural office, right? Otherwise I must not be doing my job correctly...