Saturday, August 18, 2012

Singapore is like Band Camp

Like, for REAL.

Queenie and I have traveled around a bit, always having a good time, often getting weird looks from strangers and usually laughing. And over the course of our travels, we have come to the conclusion that there are MANY things in life, for which we are properly prepared, thanks to Band Camp.

For those of you who are unaware, yes, I was in the band in high school and yes, I went to band camp. Our entire HS marching band went to camp together for a week each summer to do marching band stuff. 

And at various points in my adult life, I have had the occasion to think - and then exclaim - THIS is just like band camp!

A train in France was just like band camp, in that there was a woman chaperoning a school group on our train who scolded us much like the infamous band moms of our past.

Peru was just like band camp, in that we walked a lot and ate meals as a group. And we had sherpas carrying our things around for us. (Although at band camp, the sherpas were freshmen and they were free. In the Andes, we had to pay for that. There were no freshmen around.)

And Singapore is like band camp in that you walk a lot, get sweaty and no one really cares, because everyone else is walking a lot and is just as sweaty as you. So that's cool.

Of course, this means Singapore is also like band camp in that you need Band-Aids, sunscreen, baby powder and athletic tape, for the blisters, sunburn, heat rash and sprained ankles that come along with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Life is like band camp! Hahaha