Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Things I Hate, Part 2

I like my gym. It's not too fancy, not too yuppy, not too many gym rats, but not too many loiterers, either. It's between my office and my apartment, offers some pretty good people watching from the windows (I can see out, but they can't see in. It's a win-win.) and it's pretty cheap. I've been going there for years.


There is one thing about the gym that I REALLY hate: the naked people.

There are too many women hanging out in the locker room naked. I am aware that the primary functions of a gym locker room are for women to change clothes and for women to temporarily store their change of clothes.

I also understand that showering after working out is a relatively normal and hygienic activity. I prefer to go home sweaty, I find the smell keeps the weirdos on the bus away. To each his own.

However, if you're going to shower at the gym (or any shared space), rules of common decency dictate that you be fully naked for ONLY the necessary periods of time. Unfortunately some of the women at my gym do not follow this life rule.

- There's the pregnant lady who clearly chose her just-below-the-lowslung-jeans-waistband tattoo design WAY before she was pregnant. It has since stretched. I know this because she spent extensive time naked in the locker room.
- Then there's the chick who took her towel into the shower area and after her shower, wrapped the towel around her hair and walked back to her locker completely bare-ass naked. Upon arriving at her locker, she proceeded to take the towel off her head, fluff her hair, then toss the towel on the bench while she lotioned up. Naked. With her foot up on the bench, creating a genuine full-on crotch shot.
- Then there are the multitudes of women who leave the shower area, with the towel wrapped around them properly, only to drop it to the ground when they arrive at their lockers. Wouldn't be a problem if they swiftly put clothes on or if they faced the lockers. They never do.

These women are probably lovely women, but their extensive semi-public nudity weirds me out. I never know where to look! I don't want them to think I'm staring at them, but sometimes I am staring! Like when the pregnant/tattooed lady is naked. Or when the naked woman happens to be old. Or just, staring in general, out of confusion.

I've taken to hitting the gym a little later than the main after-work rush, to reduce my naked-encounter quotient. It's working so far, but the other shoe's gonna drop any day now.

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